Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tetard Reflection

After reviewing Lakeisha’s and Reggie’s, tetrad they were very similar except for Lakeisha prospective on the retrieve.  Lakeisha prospective of a file cabinet use to organized information in a central location was a creative way of thinking about a USB drive.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


K.Bailey- Media Specialist-Burke County Middle School- Interview will be conduct January 3,2014.

1.How long have you been media specialist?

2. What type of media/technology was stored in the media center?

3. When do you considered technology to be obsolete?

4. What type of technology are teachers and students using in the classroom?

5. In the past year what type(s) of media/technology have you introduce to teachers?

6. Is there a form of media/technology you are concerning adopting in a few years?

            P. Carter-Language Arts Teacher-Burke County Middle School- Interview will be conduct January 3, 2014.
1    1. How long have you been teaching?
2.     Did you use an overhead projector in your classroom?
3.     How was the overhead projector utilized in your classroom?
4.     Did the students ever use the overhead projector?
5.      Do you recall the year you receive a Promethean board in your classroom? If so, what were your thoughts and feeling about the Promethean board?
6.     Has the use of the Promethean board changed your style of teaching? If so, how?
7.     Do you allow the students to use the Promethean board? If so, how do the students use the board?
I        I will use Prezi to produce my project.

Project Tetard- Overhead Projector


Enhances- The overhead projector was an enhancement to the slide projector. The slide projector allows images to be displayed one at a time. The slide projectors were also difficult to use. The user had to put the slides in order and make sure they are inserted correctly. Due to slide projectors being difficult other forms of displaying images were developed.

Obsolete- The development of the overhead made slide projectors obsolete because there was user friendly. Teachers started using the overhead projector to display images from transparencies. The overhead projector provided a low cost interactive experience for teachers. Teacher began to use the overhead to display information rather than writing it on the chalkboard. It saved teachers time because the transparence and information could be reuse several of times. The overhead also allowed for teachers to face their students when presenting information.

Retrieves- The overhead projector is similar to the 1600’s Magic Lantern/Laterna Magica, which projected an image on by inserting a slide into the lantern.

Reverses- The overhead projector became obsolete through the use of computers and LCD video displays used in the classrooms. Teachers no longer have to use transparence to display images to students. Information began to be displayed through computer programs such as Powerpoint, and information found online or on the computers hard drive.  Teachers are began to use interactive whiteboards, which allows the students and teachers to interact with the information that is being displayed.

Group Tetrad- Floppy Disk

Monday, December 16, 2013

Emerged Technology in Education

Emerged Technology in Education
 The iPad is an emerging technology in the area of education in the last couple of years. Teacher and students are utilizing the various educational app to enhance their classrooms. It hasn’t become a mature technology because the iPad devices are very expensive. Schools are in the process of adopting the iPad. One challenge is the cost of iPads for the schools and another is they are very fragile. The iPad meets societal needs by allows people to have a mini portable computer, in which they can access the internet via wifi and or a data plan. It benefits society by allowing people access to the internet without being confined to a particular location. The Apple Company can improve the iPad by creating an usb port and an expandable storage ports such as micro card. If the iPad storage features were similar to laptops and desktop computers school may be able to afford the devices. Schools would just replace the laptops with iPads.